Born in São Leopoldo, in southern Brazil, and living in Basel, Swizterland for over 20 years, Maria Sabrina Lacroix Wacker Della Picca merges in her creations the influences of these two countries, their contrasts, colors and cultures. By joining together her studies of Art at Feevale University in Novo Hamburgo with the Design of Ceramic from the School of Visual Art B:B in Bern, Maria Sabrina has built a unique vision of the art of ceramics.
The artist, who sees shapes in everything, uses the contours of her own body, the shapes of nature, and even elements of the fashion world. In her hands, the clay slowly takes form, evolving into an idea, essence, lightness.
Her work is sensitive and original, presenting pieces that are delicate and at the same time full of personality.
Her work is sensitive and original, presenting pieces that are delicate and at the same time full of personality.